Pavlína Brzáková Ph.D. is an ethnologist, „ritual guide“ and writer, who lives in the Czech Republic in the Central Europe.
Photo by Dalibor Puchta
She is interested in the studies of Siberian nomad cultures. She carried out seven long researches (1991 – 2001) among Tunguzian nomad people in the Central Siberia around the rivers Podkamenna and Nizni Tunguzka and two researches (2004 – 2006) among the Tuvinian shamans in the Autonomous Republic of Tuva in Russia. She founded the center of shamanism called the Shamanian Yurt. Between 2004 – 2011 she welcome several times three most acknowledged Tuvinian shamans to the Czech Republic and she assisted in their workshops and individual healings.
Since 2004 she has been a ritual guide and she has been doing purification and healing rituals – both individual and group rituals during important traditional natural festivities with the aim to help people to overcome their stress arising from their everyday workload. Another example of ritual is a burial ritual, which helps people to come to terms with the physical death.
Since 2003 she has been working as an editor-in-chief of the magazine Regenerace, which is a monthly magazine focusing on natural, spiritual and healthy style of life. She is interested in different methods of alternative holistic medicine.
She is often invited to different TV talk shows and radio interview to talk about shamanism and spiritual culture.
She is helping to co-found a new alternative elementary school respecting the personality of children and following some of Waldorf School principles.
Pavlina Brzakova has written many books, see below.
Bibliography of Pavlina Brzakova Ph.D.
She published two books of fairy tales and stories Goromomo gorolo – vyprávění sibiřskejch Evenků (Goromomo gorolo – The Narration of the Siberian Evenks, 1996) and Jamtana – vyprávění sibiřskejch Něnců (Jamtana – The Narration of the Siberian Nenets, 1997). Her novel Stíny na kupecké stezce ( The Shadows on a Merchant Path) was printed in 2000 and her book Goromomo gorolo – Davnim davno (Long Long Time Ago), which Pavlína Brzáková wrote in a cooperation with a Russian hunter Vitaliy Voronov, was published in Russian in the same year in the territory of the Evenk Autonomous Okrug. After that she published a mythology Cesta medvěda (The Journey of a Bear, 2002), a novel Dědeček Oge – učení sibiřského šamana (The Grandfather Oge – The Teaching of a Siberian Shaman, 2004), she republished her first field researches Až odejdu za horu (When I Get over the Mountain 2004) and a Siberian travelogue Modřínová duše (The Larch Spirit, 2005). She published stories from five continents Co přináší vítr (What the Wind Brings, 2006) and a novel Dva světy (Two Worlds, 2008) that is a sequel to the preceding novel Dědeček Oge. She wrote a book for children Helinda a Klekánice (Helinda and Klekánice, 2009). All her books are only in Czech, except for the book Goromomo gorolo – Davnim davno.
Pavlina Brzakova is renowned as publicist. In cooperation with Květa Fialová who is a famous actress she wrote two books: Štěstí tady a teď (The Felicity Here and Now, 2009) and Zákony štěstí (The Law of the Felicity, 2010). She wrote in cooperation with an improviser and actor Jaroslav Dušek a book Ze mě – Cesta blázna a vnitřní svět Jaroslava Duška (The Earth – The Madman Path and the Inner World of Jaroslav Dušek, 2011).
She is a co-author of the book The Voice and Breath of a Chinese singer Feng-yüng Song. Feng-yün Song is a voice coach and a lecturer of her workshop called Healing by Voice. |