
The traditional Chinese medicine and the Chinese astrology says that the world is created by five elements (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood), which are in mutual relationships and bonds. This conception is known by people who contacted the traditional Chinese medicine at least a bit. But the attitude of Tuvinian shamans to five elements is rather interesting. They use knowledge of relationships among them as one of their healing methods.

We know from Chinese astrology that every calendar year (according to the lunar calendar) has a specific sign, which is repeated every twelve years. Every calendar year has – beside this sign - a specific element. Every man has his own specific sign and main element. Some shamans from South Siberia say that the relationship between a human and his main element is very important for his physical, emotional and mental health. When we are ill, the balance between us and our main element is disturbed. In this case shamans recommend specific kinds of rituals that establish our balance again. Tuvinian shaman Syuryun Dugar Ochur-oolovich says: “Remember that we are components of the Nature. She influences our body, feelings, mind and soul. Learn to listen to her, feel her spiritual world, because these dimensions are not only around us, but also inside us.“

In the enclosed picture the shaman Ochur-oolovich prays to Water spirit in the stream. Colour ribbons symbolize Five elements.